
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Google Chrome tidak boleh dipasang sekiranya anda memakai AVG versi 8.5


Semalam tengah asyik tengok citer Korea kat internet, tiba-tiba AVG bagi mesej amaran Google Chrome dijangkiti virus. Ingatkan citer Korea tu yang buatkan dapat virus sebab lepas buang tu dan nak buka balik Google Chrome tak boleh pula. Terus buang Google Chrome sebab ingat nak pasang balik. Tengok-tengok tak boleh nak pasang balik. Saya sangat kecewa sebab saya dah menyukai untuk menggunakan Google Chrome. Bagi mengatasi kekecewaan, saya kemaskini Internet Explorer ( versi 5) ke versi 8 tapi saya macam tak suka, ada kekurangan.

Memang saya ada alternatif pakai Mozilla Firefox tapi kalau anda nak tahu Mozilla saya guna untuk sentiasa buka gmail takleh buka lain ( mengada boleh je nak buka tapi saya taknak terlampau banyak muka surat kat Mozilla). Jadi monyok juga terus tutup terus pc. Niat di hati kalau Google Chrome takleh pasang semula, saya takkan tengok citer Korea. Memang tidur tak lena sebab sedih Google Chrome takde.

Esok bangun pagi-pagi, saya cuba balik pasang semula. Masih gagal. Puas saya cari kalau ada virus kat temp (sebab AVG selalu gagalkan pemasangan bagi mesej ada virus trojan kat chrome.exe) tapi tak jumpa. Mula-mula ingatkan nak tanya kat sorang chatter yang mungkin tahu masalah. Saya cuba pasang Google Chrome kat komputer lain, boleh je. Saya musykil. Jadi saya cari forum pasal masalah ini, rupa-rupanya AVG versi 8.5 memang akan menggagalkan kita memasang Google Chrome. Penyelesaian yang saya buat ialah mengemaskini AVG 8.5 ke AVG 2011. Kalau anda pakai AVG versi 9 ok juga tiada masalah macam pc saya yang lagi satu tu guna AVG versi 9.
Sapa-sapa ada masalah ini harap-harap dapat jawapan.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wonder World


I love to travel to see other countries. Recently. pieces of my heart left in Gold Coast,Wanaka,Christchurch and Otago. The places I went were scenic like beautiful picturesque. The places were exactly what I imagined. Good things about traveling these places, they give you a good vibe, happy mood. Don't you agree?
My mind is still wandering there. In the meantime, my mind is still full of memories. Will tell you all later from time to time, a bit by bit the places I went there, hopefully. I managed to snap many photos but the problem now is I am too lazy uploading pictures. Bear with me ok. I guess I am in the mood of mesmerizing. Hehe. 

In honoring the tour, I googled the globe map like so you know I have my dream to travel to other places. Indeed, I pictured myself do what I want at that places I imagine. I am a dreamer, I love to imagine what I do and where I do certain things. Alhamdulillah, what  I imagined was comparatively same or better sometimes as what I went through and things I imagined were good. I hope you like to see the globe map as I do.Definitely, a picture worth thousand words. You have to feel to believe it *winks*

 Until then, I hope you are happy in what you are doing now. *me grins wider :D*