
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Cendawan Busut

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Selamat pagi semua. Apa khabar? Semoga sihat dan ceria hendaknya. Amin.

Cendawan busut waktu malam

Semalam balik rumah Uwan sebab pakcu beritahu dapat cendawan busut di kebun abah malam sebelumnya. Cendawan ni kena cepat-cepat masak sebab cepat rosak. Cendawan ni memang susah nak dapat. Selalu akan ada waktu hujan lebat dengan petir dan kilat.

Cendawan busut masak lemak cili api

Sampai rumah Uwan tengahari betul-betul dah masak. Cendawan busut masak lemak cili api. Banyak juga dapat. Ambil gambar kat atas tu pun lepas dah ambil 2 mangkuk. Tapau balik satu bekas dan 1 bekas untuk bagi pada pakcu.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Time Does Heal The Ultimate Wound But Leave Scar

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

It has been 10 years since this date. I daresay that the cut and pain I have gone through had not make me in ease. I forgave but not certainly I forgot. It will always in my mind and rewind every time it wants to pop up either I in relaxing mood or doing something. It can't be stop or pause.
I always ask Allah for ease. The good thing I still remember that painful love I will always careful not easily fall in love. I will not flatter myself, not over the moon the words "rindu", missing you. These words make me puke.

I still hold myself despite of that pain. I can grab keenly my principles and hard head to ignore the person who gave this pain. That's because I have surrendered him to Allah and I do not want have anything to do with him. I don't want communicate to him. Please talk to Allah to find out how to mellow my heart. So far I do not mellow my heart. Definitely you got the wrong way. Your change it is not what I want or maybe you have never changed at all.